Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business requirements for Matrix Data Corporation Essay

Business requirements for Matrix Data Corporation - Essay Example 1.2 Background including current process The Matrix Data Corporation in Owings Mills, Maryland is a company that collects data and analyses web-based data for large clients using Web analytics software. They have decided to add a new data repository system to enhance the sales allowing the company to grow by 20% each year. In order to support the volume expected the IT’s role will be to upgrade the current data warehouse system from a ten (10) terabyte data warehouse to 60 terabyte allowing Matrix Data Corporation to collectdata beyond the standard relational databasesystems. This project goal is to provide guidance on the implementation process and how the changes will administered. The project is scheduled to begin on November 21, 2012 and the expected end date is December 23, 2012. The project will also identify what is needed to make the change and to accomplish these changes without interfering with current business production. 1.3 Scope 1.3.1 Scope of Project The scope o f the will identify the procedures used to coordinate the project and the users, and stakeholders to ensure the needs are met. Applications –Will be implemented in phase 1 by November 15, 2012. Database – The application will use a MSSQL (SQL Server) database System Hardware –Data repository system is required. Matrix Corp. ... Process Re-engineering will highlight four phases; 1) Initiation – Aimed at identifying and understanding the purpose 2) Analysis – An in depth analysis of the process tasks and process 3) Reengineering – Discuss and design features needed 4) Implementation and evaluation – Address stakeholders issues and concerns   (Carr and Johansson, 1995). Customization - customization can be applied throughout the different layers of the new project delivery process, from the network diagram level to the scope of work associated with specific activities. The SDLC methodology will be used to implement changes. Interfaces – Agile methods will be integratedto provide delivery engines (Griffith 1994) and new system hardware to be set up and will be implemented using the SDLC methodology. Architecture – The application and technical architecture is a formal description and representation of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the stru cture of the system which comprises system components. Conversion –AdWords Conversion Tracking will begin importing the data from the Analytics account,   Testing – Testing will include testing on volume and capacity, and performance. Funding –Project funding is limited to $25,000.00 Training - Training will be held every Monday in conference room C, for 1 hour. e provided weekly Education – will include an in depth overview of the process and slides will be provided. 1.3.2 Constraints and Assumptions The following constraints have been identified: Restricted and limit project execution, budget limit of $10,000.00. The following assumptions have been made in defining the scope, objectives and approach: Need

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Opening Scenes of Othello, King Lear and Macbeth Essay Example for Free

The Opening Scenes of Othello, King Lear and Macbeth Essay The influences of feminine powers from the Shakespearean plays, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth, portrayed during the opening scenes have affected the courses of male instincts and literary arguments throughout the play. In this study, the emphasis is given to the powers of feminine influences portrayed in the opening scenes and the effects of these to male characters and arguments throughout the play. The three plays of Shakespeare have shown significant interests on how females provided influential to seemingly manipulative roles throughout the play. In the opening scene of the play Macbeth, the feminine force of Lady Macbeth only becomes evident in the latter scenes (Act I: Scene V), but her character and roles in the play have shown immense manipulation and creative enticement that lures the role of her husband Macbeth from general to king. Lady Macbeth has shown a personality of a domineering wife that pave the way for her husband’s royal disposition. In the story, her presence and feminine influence are evidently illustrated by her manipulation of her husband’s decisions. The powers of Lady Macbeth portray the similarity towards the militaristic domination of her husband’s task in the military, yet also give contrast to their roles and dispositions, which emphasizes her enticement. On the other hand, the feminine influences present in King Lear are evidently multi-faceted through the roles of characters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. Shakespeare is able to centralize the literary course through the discreet and indirect manipulation of character of Cordelia, the youngest daughter of King Lear. In opening scenes this play, the feminine roles are very much intertwined with the concept of sibling rivalry and patriarchal inclinations, which is more patterned to â€Å"Electra† complex of Freudian psychosexual theory. The character of Cordelia has shown her distinct attachments towards the King of France as her husband and the King Lear as her father, while the two sisters, Goneril and Regan, implicate love towards themselves and their husband’s disposition to the society. Cordelia’s depiction of feminine influence is the main emphasis of the discussion due to her distinct attachments to significant male characters as well as her diverse portrayal in the opening scenes of the play. Lastly, the play of Othello gives rise to the character of Desdemona who have entangled the hearts of two gentlemen, Othello and Roderigo. In the opening scenes, it is already indicated that Roderigo lost the hand of Desdemona to his competitor Othello, who actually became the husband of Desdemona. In the novel, the roles of women, including Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca, have become the turning point of argument among men. Shakespeare has evidently utilized the imagery of womanhood in order to create the sense of love rivalries, issues of jealousy, scenarios of betrayal and the instinctive manly lust linked to their pride as military personnel and as male human being. The feminine influence is very much intense and evident even in the opening scenes of the play; however, it portrays a different perspective in the form of love triangle between Othello, Desdemona and Roderigo. Discussion The Opening Scenes of Othello The setting of the opening scene involves the two characters Roderigo and Iago arguing about the secret marriage that occurred between Othello, Roderigo’s literary rival, and Desdemona, the woman who captivated Roderigo. During the first scenes, Roderigo acts furiously and blatantly exaggerates his hatred and defeat towards Iago due to the fact that Desdemona can no longer be with him. Even from the very start, the character of Desdemona is already causing an indirect influence towards the male characters through the depiction of erotic triangle between Othello, herself and Roderigo. In the advent of Roderigo’s jealousy, he is easily manipulated by Iago’s lying tongue that causes them to further lay down their conflict to the Desdemona’s father, Senator Brabantio. â€Å"Iago: Call up her father, rouse him: make after him, poison his delight, proclaim him in the streets; incense her kinsmen and, though he in a fertile climate dwell, plague him with flies: though that his joy be joy, yet throw such changes of vexation ont, as it may lose some colour. (Act I: Scene I)† Brabantio, being influenced again by the role of Desdemona as his daughter, becomes protective over her and enrages as he learn the marriage between his pure bred English daughter to a moor. Othello is known as the noble moor in the novel; hence, creating issues of classicism in terms of racial origin. Despite Othello’s military rank (General), he is not welcomed with full acceptance by Desdemona’s patriarchs. â€Å"Brabantio: It is too true an evil: gone she is; and whats to come of my despised time is nought but bitterness. Now, Roderigo, Where didst thou see her? O unhappy girl! With the Moor, sayst thou? Who would be a father! How didst thou know twas she? O she deceives me (Act I: Scene I). † Literary angles would consider the enticement and manipulation brought by Iago; however, the clear spot on Desdemona, being the subject of argument among men in the opening scenes, is the clearest influence of feminine powers. Brabantio’s patriarchal protectiveness and Roderigo’s lustful intent insist to revoke the clinging of Othello to Desdemona; however, even with progressive accusations (e. g. witchcraft, unreasonable seductions from Othello, etc. , Othello is able to defend himself and his love for Desdemona. Prior to the frank arguments between Brabantio’s allies and Othello, the noble moor already declared his affection towards Desdemona. â€Å"Othello: But that I love the gentle Desdemona, I would not my unhoused free condition put into circumscription and confine for the seas worth(Act I: Scene II). † Shakespeare portrays a different power of female captivity in the initial conflicts of opening scenes. Even without the appearance of Desdemona in the opening scenes of the play, her presence and manipulation over the male characters are already evident. The protectiveness of Brabantio, the jealous love of Roderigo and Othello’s proof of love for Desdemona have all indicated a tremendous male influence through a simple decision made by Desdemona, which is her marriage with Othello. Evidently, the female character of Desdemona invisibly influences the subjects of arguments (e. g. Iago and Roderigo, Brabantio against Othello, and Roderigo against Othello) present in the opening scenes of the play. The Opening Scenes of King Lear In the play of King Lear, the female parties under the portrayals of the three sisters, Goneril, Regan and King Leer’s most favourite, Cordelia. The play opens with King Lear and his daughters providing their best interpretations of their patriarchal affinity. Goneril, being the eldest and married daughter, casts well-stated praises for the king but less affinity for a father. â€Å"Goneril: †¦No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; as much as child eer loved, or father found; a love that makes breath poor, and speech unable;†¦ (Act I: Scene 1). † Meanwhile, Regan, the second daughter, resembles more of her eldest sister’s remarks although, she places more emphasis on the insufficiencies of Goneril’s description. It is a higher bid, a bold comparative and an assertion that Regan can love better than the eldest. Regan mentions that, â€Å"In my true heart â€Å"†¦I find she names my very deed of love; only she comes too short: that I profess myself an enemy to all other joys, which the most precious square of sense possesses; and find I am alone felicitate in your dear highness love (Act I: Scene I)†, which gives the hint of her total love for King Lear. Shakespeare’s King Lear somehow illustrates the role of women to please men of the contemporary European society simply through words, which sometimes even blinds them of the real picture. However, despite the alluring statements provided by the two sisters, Shakespeare decides to have the youngest, Cordelia, as the turning point of feminine enticement in the story, which even influenced the entire literary course of King Lear. Upon the first entrance of King Lear, a significant symbolism of favoritism has already been portrayed for his youngest daughter. His concern over her is vastly impressive and evident as he acknowledges the non-implied burden of Cordelia’s suitors, King France and Lord of Burgundy. However, this affection of King Lear has been seemingly declined by Cordelia during her turn to state her love for the king. Corderlia’s thoughts assures to her confidence that her tongue is not match for her affection towards her father. â€Å"Cordelia: Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave, my heart into my mouth: I love your majesty according to my bond; nor more nor less. (Act1: Scene 1)† This is turning point plays the most significant feminine influences over males in the opening scenes of the play. King Lear becomes enraged, disowns his daughter and leaves her to the King of France to marry. However, Cordelia still provides the greatest affinity towards the king compared to her two sisters. The feminine influences of the three daughters to their father provide a multi-faceted approach. Goneril and Regan compete for their interest in the king’s inheritance, but their intents show selfish and masked affinity. On the other hand, Cordelia manifests a strong attachment to her father. Despite of the knowledge that failure to gratify the king through word praises might cause the lost of her part in the kingdom shares, she still preferred to announce her honest verdict. In the opening scene, King Lear, with the instinctive manly characters, is easily manipulated by the feminine lingual enticement, which even blinds his site from truth. King Lear prioritizes his pride and instinct as a man, which blinds him from the real identities and intentions of her daughters. The linkages of the sisters towards the king are related to the patriarchal attachments that should be natural to such familial relationships. The Electra complex depicted in the play and the process on how feminine enticement can manipulate male’s decision is the main influence of feminine roles throughout the play. The Opening Scenes of Macbeth In the Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the feminine influence is greatly portrayed by the role of Lady Macbeth over her husband, Macbeth. In the story, the three witches have provided their prediction of kingly lineage to Banquo, a military general and Macbeth’s best friend; however, as Lady Macbeth learns of the predictions, she decides to use this together with her husband as an opportunity to own the crown. Lady Macbeth is able to convince Macbeth that the only way to the royal lineage is to eliminate the current monarch, King Duncan. During the conversations of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, the manipulation of Lady Macbeth becomes evident in her efforts to convince Macbeth for the killing plot. â€Å"Lady Macbeth: And when goes hence? Macbeth: To-morrow, as he purposes. Lady Macbeth: O, never shall sun that morrow see! .(Act 1: Scene V) Lady Macbeth: What cannot you and I perform upon the unguarded Duncan? What not put upon his spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt of our great quell? † (Act 1: Scene VII). The feminine cunningness of Lady Macbeth has entices her husband for her plot of putting Macbeth in the royal sit. She is even confident to take the overall burden for the sake of her husband’s new position in the royal chambers as evident to her statements, â€Å"Lady Macbeth: †¦to alter favour ever is to fear: Leave all the rest to me†¦ (Act I: Scene V). The influence of Lady Macbeth is also the main weapon that she chooses in order to fulfill the plot of killing. She decides to lure the king to her enticement prior to the killing and, with that, her cunning statements begin to manifest. â€Å"Duncan: Give me your hand; conduct me to mine host: we love him highly, and shall continue our graces towards him. By your leave, hostess (Act 1: Scene VI)† The female influences portrayed in the character of Lady Macbeth illustrate the manipulative and non-offensive strategy of female mind in directing the male’s decision according to their preferences. Evidently, Lady Macbeth manifests a domineering attitude towards her husband, Macbeth, whom she even considers as innocent and helpless in some non-implied way. Considering the pride of men by nature and the manly instinct suggesting the negation of female position, especially during the contemporary European society, Macbeth is enticed to abide the plans and plots of Lady Macbeth. Moreover, as illustrated in the opening scenes, Macbeth is the one who shows hesitancy over the plot of his wife. â€Å"Macbeth: If we should fail? Lady Macbeth: We fail! But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and well not fail. When Duncan is asleepWhereto the rather shall his days hard journey soundly invite himhis two chamberlains (Act I: Scene VII)† It is important to note that the culture and tradition from the time of Macbeth’s writing prohibits the insubordination of males by females; however, Lady Macbeth is able to create an illusion of caring character to mask her manipulation. Somehow, the concept maybe contradicting to the prevailing culture of their time, but the strength of feminine influence and dominancy is very much evident in the role of Lady Macbeth to the point that even Duncan acknowledges her bravery. Following the latter scenes of the play, it is Lady Macbeth who works behind the kingly figure of Macbeth indicating the powers placed by Shakespeare in the woman’s tongue in his Macbeth. Analysis of the Three Plays In the three plays of Shakespeare analyzed in this study, the play Othello mentions the power of Desdemona’s decision in marrying the noble moor, while Goneril, Regan and Cordelia use the feminine touch of patriarchal influence in order to create significant impact in King Lear’s decisions for his kingdom, and lastly, Lady Macbeth who issues direct but properly strategize dominancy and manipulation over her husband, Macbeth. These women in the following three plays have all shown significant feminine influences towards the male characters of the plays. Despite the different forms and strategies, the feminine image in the contemporary period of society has always become a part of major influential force. The portrayals of feminine influences have all been cited from the openings scenes of the play, and yet, each of the female character in these plays has already provided their significant place in the literary course. In consideration of Othello’s Desdemona, even without her initial appearance, her single decision of marrying Othello has initiated the conflicts between three male personas, Roderigo, Brabantio and Othello. The conflict between these males stand in the motives of racial discrimination of Brabantio for Othello’s Moroccan origin, and Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona that is halted and ended by their secret marriage. In the opening scenes of Othello, Desdemona has not even mentioned any words but only the decision of secret marriage, and yet the uprising between the three main characters has already climbed the higher intensity. Meanwhile, the sisters and their king, from the play King Lear? are provided with the scenario of lingual enticements. Goneril and Regan are able to entice their father through their praises full of masked thoughts. However, despite of their masked or seemingly unreal feminine allurement, Goneril and Regan are given portions of the kingdom under the King’s verdict. Meanwhile, the youngest, Cordelia offers the most honest answer he can give, which is the love of expression than love through words. However, due to Corderlia’s failure in enticing the male pride and instinct of King Lear, she has been banished from the throne including her right as the daughter of the king. The feminine influence being portrayed in this novel is on the aspect of pleasing the male pride, which holds the key in manipulating their superiority and grants – as with the portrayal of Goneril and Regan. Lastly, the dominance of Lady Macbeth towards her husband Macbeth has led to their plot of killing the current minister, Duncan, and subduing the kingdom under Macbeth’s leading. The portrayal of Lady Macbeth has provided the illustration of the aggressive form of female manipulation through a well-masked intent towards rule and power. Conclusion The feminine influences of the characters Desdemona, the three sisters and Lady Macbeth have all illustrated diverse forms on how females in the contemporary plays of Shakespeare can influence the male society. As for Othello’s wife, Desdemona, she is able to influence the uprising of the male characters in the opening scenes through her simple decision of marrying the racially discriminated individual, Othello, the noble moor. Meanwhile, the two sisters, Goneril and Regan, are able to entice their patriarch’s affection leading to the favor of having the kingdom’s inheritance. Cordelia, on the other hand, symbolizes how men’s pride can be blinded by false feminine allure, which sometimes hinders male’s judgments of truth. Lastly, Lady Macbeth who provides the portrayal of dominant manipulation over her husband in order to attain higher positions through the royal crown.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing the Two Versions of To Build a Fire Essay -- comparison comp

Comparing the Two Versions of To Build a Fire "I am absolutely confident that beyond the motif itself, there is no similarity of treatment whatever" (544). Jack London, writing in December 1908, was responding to an inquiry from the Richard W. Gilder, editor of Century Magazine. Gilder, having just published "To Build a Fire" in his magazine, was worried when he came across another version published 6 years earlier. London's explanation was that the first story was for boys and the new one was for men; the only similarity being the motif itself. Through careful analysis of the two stories, in light of this letter to Gilder, and another letter to Cloudesly Johns, it is apparent that although London claims no similarities (besides the motif), they definitely exist. Before the similarities are discussed, it is necessary to look at the obvious differences that London explains are in the "treatment" (544). The 1902 version was published for boys, while the 1908 version was published for men. London explains that the motif was "not only very strong, but was very true" (ibid). It seems that he first published it for boys as a sort of educational story; teaching the youngsters about the dangers of the cold weather. Hence, after Tom Vincent learns his lesson, he makes it to camp and doesn't receive any serious damage. Later, London was worried that he had given the motif "inadequate treatment" (ibid). Therefore, he handled the motif again, this time for men, adding a dog for good measure. Since this story was meant for an older audience, topics could be brought up that weren't appropriate to be discussed in the first one: the man considered killing the dog and using his body for warmth. In addition, the most obviou... ...story they are reading. Jack London has written a classic short story in the 1908 version of "To Build a Fire." This is the classic story of man fighting nature. In most genres (e.g. movies, novels, short stories) the main character comes out on top, however unlikely that is. Jack London takes literary naturalism and shows the reader how unmerciful nature is. Much like Stephen Crane in "The Open Boat," in which the one of the characters dies, London doesn't buy into that "has to have a good ending" contrivance. Through analysis of two London's letters (to R.W. Gilder and Cloudesly Johns) these two versions of "To Build a Fire" come alive with new meaning. Although there are many differences on the surface, both stories use his philosophy as expressed to Johns and both teach a moral lesson, one which will not soon be forgotten: "Never travel alone."

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Adolf Hitler Caused World War II Essay

As I’m sure most people know Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Germans from August 2 1934 to April 30 1945, but do you know that as Fuhrer of Germany he was the driving force behind the start of WWII. During his reign he tried to bring Germany back to the powerful country it had been before the First World War. In this paper I will prove that Hitler’s actions lead to start of WWII, and I plan to prove how his direct disregard of the Treaty of Versailles pushed the world into WWII. I will begin with a little background on Hitler and what led him to become the Fuhrer of Germany. Hitler was a member of the German army during the First World War and, according to (Kershaw, 2008) after being temporarily blinded from a mustard gas bomb he was sent to Pasewalk, it was there that Hitler learned of the German defeat in WWI. After the war Hitler and the German people held a grudge against the United States and Europe for the passing of the Treaty of Versailles, which stated that Germany was the cause of the war. The Treaty also forced the German people to pay for the damage done during the war. This pushed Germany into a depression that left millions of people without work. This was the first of many reasons that Hitler secretly wished to conquer the European countries of Britain and France. In January of 1933 Hitler was named chancellor of Germany and this marked the beginning of his reign over a country that was in hardship. Hitler began his reign by urging President Hindenburg to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree, which would suspend basic rights and allow detention without a trial. Then after the election on March 6, 1933 Hitler brought the Enabling Act to a vote, and by using the Reichstag Fire Decree was able to garner the two thirds majority vote needed to pass the bill which then gave Hitler full legislative power. By doing this Hitler showed that he would do anything to assume the role of leader. This was just another step that was unknowingly leading Germany to war. Then in 1934 according to (Kershaw, 2008) Hitler executed the â€Å"Night of the Long Knives† which was the capture and killing of the entire SA leadership. Then a month later President Hindenburg died, which made Hitler the head of state. This allowed him to control all aspects of Germany, and also allowed him to start rebuilding the military forces that had been ordered to disband with the passing of the Treaty of Versailles. This was probably the biggest step thus far that would send Germany to war yet again. Along with that he had personally taken over as leader of the military when Werner von Blomberg had openly told Hitler that he disagreed with him about having the military ready to go to war as soon as 1938. (Shire, 1960) Over the next few months he had stripped 16 generals and had 44 more transferred because they were believed to not be sufficiently pro-Nazi. On February 3, 1933 during a meeting with German military leaders Hitler said his foreign policy was the conquest of Eastern Europe (Weinberg, 1970), also in 1933 Germany withdrew from the League of Nations, which should have been a warning sign that they were planning something big. This along with the increase of the Wehrmacht (German Army) to 600,000 should have thrown up some red flags to Britain and France that Hitler was up to no go. This was another of Hitler’s direct violations of the Versailles Treaty, yet no one stopped him, instead they let him continue untouched. Then in March of 1936 Germany reoccupied the Rhineland. They also declared an Axis with Italy in 1936. Then in 1937 Germany signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan, yet another red flag. If not for the wounds of WWI still fresh in the hearts and minds of the British and American people I think we might have been able to avert the Second World War. As Hitler continued to grow the military of Germany, and expand their borders back to pre WWI he was slowly pushing the west into action. Hitler did not believe that his army could be defeated and he continued his expansion by annexing Austria in 1938. After that his next goal was to take over Czechoslovakia, but he was met with some force over this one. Czech had signed a treaty with Russia, and Britain and France both said they would defend Czech from the German forces. This angered Hitler, but he knew he could not overwhelm the forces of four different countries, so instead they all met and signed the Munich Pact( which allowed Germany to take 50% of Czechoslovakia and leave the other hale untouched. While Hitler was reluctant he agreed, and then after signing the pact he turned around and annexed the rest of Czech. Hitler knew that he was taking a chance by annexing Czechoslovakia, but he believed that if he could take control of Czech he could use their land as a frontline to attack Russia, because he believed that Communism was wrong, and the only way to stop them was by invading and making them part of Germany. Basically Hitler believed that he could take over the entire continent and force them into Nazism. This was a cause for much concern, but it wasn’t until 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland that the declaration of war was made official. In conclusion I believe that all of the actions Hitler took from the start of his reign as chancellor up through his being appointed Fuhrer forced the western European countries to declare war upon Germany and their allies. I believe that if Hitler did not have dreams of world domination and riding the world of all Jews that maybe Germany might have avoided the Second World War, but as we all now know that is not the case. Instead Hitler thought that he had built an unstoppable army, and if not for Japan bombing Pearl Harbor Germany might have even won the war. References 1. Hitler, Adolf (1999) [1925]. Mein Kampf. Trans. Ralph Manheim. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 2. Kershaw, Ian (2008). Hitler: A Biography. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 3. Shirer, William L. (1960). The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York: Simon & Schuster 4. Weinberg, Gerhard (1970). The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s Germany Diplomatic Revolution in Europe 1933–1936. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organization Behavior Concepts on the US Army Essay

Many organizations today offer unique perspectives into the possibilities for organizational structure, culture and behavior. Given the United States’ system of government and inherent freedoms, these areas are not often easily controlled or mandated. Corporations tend to impart a â€Å"feel-good† attitude were employees are asked to be nice to one another and the hierarchy seeks to keep a stable, friendly atmosphere. Promotions are based on performance evaluations, sometimes aligned with the contents of a grievance folder. If any grievances have been filed against an individual, these items are considered during the promotion process, but the contents are not standardized typically. The US Army handles this entire environment differently. Personnel voluntarily sign up with the organization, but are there after held to a strict moral code for three to eight years. The US Army has created a model of organizational structure, which gives them direct control over its anticipated culture and behavior. Reprimands are swift and complete. This paper will consider the many aspects of US Army organization and the impacts this has on three Main Organizational Behavior concepts as presented in the 2005 Robbins text: Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture and Group Behavior, suggesting the US Army has created an efficient and proscriptive model. The Viet Nam war caused many changes within the US Army. The conflicts and reprimands of soldiers from civilian and military personnel increased because of this Conflict. Theft and dishonesty grew from the distinct depression of morale in soldiers, causing a ripple effect of poor behavior. The US Army formed a committee to address the issue, which met at Fort Ord in California. Organizational Effectiveness grew from this time, giving the Army its own program to change the behaviors and attitudes of it members. â€Å"The Merit Reward System evolved from this project. Trainees and cadre members were rewarded for behavior that was clearly related to high performance and to high morale,† (Deaner, 1991, p. 13). This particular aspect of the former system lives on as a mainstay in US Army culture. In offering a payment for soldier behavior as well as performance, the US Army sets itself apart from the usual difficulties of control. Soldiers are beholden to its employers for the length of their contract, defunct behavior landing them in an â€Å"employee jail† or the brig. But, this overall control also allows the US Army to solely promote from within, reward through medals and advancement, and to offer prime employment locations through station selection. This reward structure is not available to other organizations, setting the US Army apart in its control of Organizational Structure and Culture, as well Group Behavior. The US Army no longer uses Organizational Effectiveness program. Its failing has been labeled as self-inflicted† by Deaner (1991, p. 18) although it is still used by outside organizations today. The basic principles as tested in the former system have evolved into a much more efficient and serviceable behavior model. Leadership remains the focal point in controlling the atmosphere in any organization. â€Å"In choosing the most appropriate procedures for developing leaders, an organization must first determine what leadership precisely entails,† (Campbell & Dardis, 2004, p. 27). The US Army has developed a definitive set of cultural guidelines for its organization. Leaders are expected to possess certain qualities, which will not only allow them the capacity to perform, but also to guide and influence others to do the right thing. In maintaining this strict code of ethics through promotion and contractual continuation, the US Army offers a unique perspective on Group Behavior, Organizational Structure and Culture. This format has been aligned into what is known as the â€Å"Be, Know, Do† model. Shaped and modeled by actual experience in developing officers and non-commissioned officers in the different branches of the U. S. Army, various drafts and versions of the BKD model have influenced Army leadership doctrine for over 50 years. Thus, the Army’s long-term continuing reliance on the model offers strong evidence of its robustness,† (Campbell & Dardis, 2004, p. 27). This model offers a construct for the entire premise behind the core value system imbedded within the structure of the US Army. Group behavior is aligned through a definitive chain of expectation prior to advancement to higher paying status. Cadence to control stepping in the same foothold, formations to align each body within the group, uniform control: all of these contribute to the maintenance of group behavior, offering individuals the chance to see themselves as a working part of a group. â€Å"Now a typical American soldier has a high school diploma, and many are college-educated. More than 50 percent of the military service members are married, and many have children attending the US Department of Defense dependent school system,† (Macdonald & Myers, 2005, p. 18). This distinct change in personnel adds to the efficiency of the US Army machine. Increasingly educated, ethics are becoming a fundamental staple in US Army culture. Although there are obvious inconsistencies (as with the Iraqi Prisoner of War scandal), the US Army still emerges as a leader in influencing the moral and ethical decisions its employees make. The most obvious difference between the US Army culture and that of typical business organizations comes from the complete sense of community created. â€Å"Like all civilian cities or counties, on-base military neighborhoods have key stakeholders that contribute to the growth of the entire community,† (MacDonald & Myers, 2005, p. 1). Where the typical corporation has employees living anywhere they chose, many US Army employees live either on base, or very near by. This close proximity offers the employees a direct influence on their environment and living arrangements. The spouses of employed personnel are involved in the â€Å"company† as it were. Complete communities are created to draw the family units of personnel into the mix, offering shopping centers, gas stations, libraries, schools, hospitals and even its own selections of medical personnel. Every aspect of life is shared and standardized. Cookie-cutter style housing offers levels of improvement within the ranking status. Similar-ranked people are afforded duplicate housing, often times on the same street or area of the base. High-ranking officials live in homes of higher value, yet still grouped in the same area of the base. This allows the employees a chance to solidify their performance and solidify the cohesiveness of the group. If an employee wants the better housing, salary and playground, he or she must gain education, perform admirably and meet specified standards in performance. The rewards are visibly set before the individual to further entice coherence and unity. A study performed by Pascale, Millemann and Goija considered the cultural differences in Sears, Shell and the US Army searching for key identifiers in how the culture of these organizations are affected by the employees in terms of culture within the companies. They concluded â€Å"power, identity, conflict and learning† were the base elements in these organizations (Pascale, Millemann & Goija, 1997, p. 129). Nowhere is the transformational power of re-socialization more evident than at three highly unusual U.  S. Army training centers-at Fort Irwin, California; Fort Polk, Louisiana; and Hoenfelds, Germany. In fact, the training is sufficiently remarkable to have been studied by the chief education officers at Shell, Sears, Motorola, and GE, and by senior delegations from every country in Western Europe, Russia, and most nations of Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. † (Pascale, Millemann & Goija, 1997, p. 134) The US Army has proven itself a leader in the creation of group behavior inline with the culture mandated by the organization. The interest of some many other countries indicates the US Army is an innovator in terms of structure and culture when sending troops and families off to become a part of another base. The culture remains under the same umbrella, allowing each a smooth transition despite the massive size of the organization. The very nature of military structure is unified in many countries. Soldiers are most often located in a central area, with families supported directly from the pay of the soldiers in question. In maintaining the group atmosphere of the military units, the governments expect, and often see a solidified goal structure. Group effectiveness is the extent to which explicit groups goals, that are assigned by the organization, are achieved. The successful attainment of such goals includes both the quality of group outputs as well as their timeliness,† (Langfred, 2000, p. 569). Although Langfred did an empirical study of the Danish Army to prove his theories of unit cohesion, the structure of the tests directly applies to the US Army as well. Cohesiveness in terms of group goals and communications were paramount in forming the cohesive units required for standardization. The US Army, however, is a leader in community structure in that the support often far-outreaches the constructs of similar organizations. The uniformity is across the board in terms of family support, job description, promotional evaluations and ethical standards. The beginnings of the US Army are directly connected to its cohesiveness of today. Originally designed as a conscription service where legions were formed by required participation of any and all applicable men, the organization itself has transformed into a voluntary unit of men and women. Originally devised from people of all age, economic and social stratus, anyone can now enlist provided they have at least a General Education Diploma (GED). The elitist nature from the past of the upper echelon serving as officers, and their subsequent promotions based on time-in-service over actual performance has changed drastically. According to an article written by Andrew Birtle, the change took a long time, but now allows anyone proving their worth and moral code can advance. Socio-economic status no longer remains as a qualifier for promotion or advancement. Although not a perfect system by any means, nepotism being obvious in some lines of service, the US Army provides a distinct design for the creation of cohesiveness and unification across behavior and cultural lines of organization (2003). The US Army has taken the advantages and cultural mores within its organization and applied them to harmony among all lines, to include race relations. â€Å"The Army has no peer in its broad record of promotions of blacks to positions of influence,† (Racial Integration, 2001, p. 35). Although not perfect by any means, the US Army still maintains this distinct line of communication and promotion for all its soldiers. Within each unit, the Army maintains an Equal Opportunity Officer who will listen and record any and all forms of complaint due to discrimination, sexual, racial, or other. All complaints are written down and added to applicable personnel files following a thorough investigation. At each promotional stage in the soldiers career, these files are considered, thus offering a distinct incentive to avoid disharmony or bigoted hate. â€Å"The Army is probably the only important institution in the U.  S. where whites don’t get promoted if they show racist behavior,† (Racial Integration, 2001, p. 35). In conclusion, the US Army offers a unique environment controlling and influencing the Organizational Culture and Group Behavior through its differentiated Organizational Structure. In maintaining a similar environment for soldiers and their families, the US Army homogenizes the livelihood of its employees through unification across the board. The promotional structure offered directly entices soldiers to conform in order to gain a better life and environment for themselves and their families. Although not easily duplicated in the business world, many companies have studied the US Army for innovative approaches to standardizing their own commercial culture. â€Å"The first step toward restoring organizational vitality is to engage every employee in the company’s principal challenges,† (Pascale, Millemann & Gioja, 1997, p. 131). The model used by the US Army controls the majority of situations within its construct and if studied further would offer commercial enterprises a blueprint applicable to other avenues of business organizations and their organizational behavior models. The unique Organizational Structure of the US Army dictates not only the Organizational Culture and Group Behavior; it also influences the Decision Making process, Motivation, Communication, Power and Politics, Human Resource Management and Change Management inherent in any large organization. The unique structure considers each of these aspects of organizational behavior and builds a concise view and standard operating procedures to control and maintain its vision of it future and mission. Although this paper looked at only three aspects, the US Army offers a distinctive model for any Organizational Behavior study.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Unification of Italy essays

Unification of Italy essays The statement powerful forces are more dominant than any leader in making history is false. Men with power can be more influential than an economy, nationalism, or liberalism. Camillo Benso better known as Count Cavour or plain Cavour was the man mainly responsible for uniting Italy. Cavour though a series of fighting and diplomacy united the country. Cavour, Prime Minister in piedmont, insults the king of Piedmont. As a result he gets thrown out of the country because of his wanting to unite Italy. He is interested in politics and the status of Italy so he goes to England to read the free press. In doing this he learns English. By discovering what is happening in the world he goes back to Italy and becomes a philanthropist and builds railroads in Italy and shows the peasants how to turn there subsistence farming to cash crops. After to spread his influence throughout Italy he made the Risorgimento a newspaper in Italy. This newspaper had two reasons for being created: Cavour wanted a constitution for Italy and wanted to get Austrian troops out of Italian soil. The reason for Austrias presents was it wanted to keep Italy spread apart so it wouldnt have two enemies to deal with on both borders, the north (Prussia) and the south (Italy). There was a vote was taken during this time and the countries of Tuscany, Parma, Modena and the Papal States. This made Italy and France was an accomplice. Now that Italy was a country Garibalbi , a popular revolutionary, retired after being defeated at Naples. Cavour had now done what he had planed and formed a united Italy. Before Bismark comes into play in the unification there are procuresses to his entrance. The Zollerin is one of them. It is the formal Customs Union use by the Prussian. This brought chaos to the economic system of the German states. The other factors that come into play is that Prussia and Geramn have one Railroad and telegraph system. In the 186...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Middle Ages

Imagine yourself in the Middle Ages in Norway on a cold winters night. Your laying in bed looking out your window at the stars as you do every night before you go to bed. Your looking at the stars and then all of the sudden you see a faint glow appear on the horizon. You see green and red flames of light strech across the sky. A glowing curtain of light forms, waving and swirling in the sky above you. The lights last about thirty seconds and then the lights fade away and then soon dissapers. The sky is dark and clear with the stars shining down on you. It was almost as nothing had happend. You are astonished and facinated with what you have just witnessed but dont understand what it was. You have just witnessed the Aurora Borealis or more commonly known today as the Northern Lights. The Ancient Romans named this awsome natural phenomenon the Aurora Borelis which is a Latin name. Aurora was the name of a Roman goddess of the dawn. Borelis For thousands of years, the northern lights have fascinated and astonished the human imagination, leading to stories, myths and paintings to explain their mysteries. Beyond superstion, culture, mysticism and religous beliefs lie to explanations provided by research and science. The oldest desriptions of the aurora are from the the Mediterranean countries and from ancient China. Most people in these Regions would of only have seen the northern Lights once or twice in their lives. A wonderful article in National Geographic explains that in the sixth century BC, Ezekil, a profit - priest of ancient Israel, saw the aurora and wrote ...a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itseslf, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire. After Ezekil was the famous Greek philospher Aristotle who observed the aurora and described it as lights th...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Start A Podcast (Authentic Advice From Someone Whos Done It)

How To Start A Podcast (Authentic Advice From Someone Whos Done It) So you want to start a podcast to apply educational content marketing theory to audio. That makes sense. Some 57 million Americans alone listen to podcasts, a 23% increase from 2015 to 2016. Thats one  in four  Americans who listen to at least one podcast per month,  while an average podcast listener hears  five podcasts a week. There is a ton of opportunity for you to connect with a growing and active audience through podcasts. But youre not here to see the stats. You already know the opportunity. So the real questions are how to start a podcast that will: Launch successfully (and continue to be successful)? Help you maximize the time you invest into producing each episode by sharing it on many channels to reach an even larger audience? Be manageable as a long-term investment while you complete tons of other work like usual? At least, those were some of my questions when I started researching how to start a podcast. And Ive figured out a lot of the answers on my journey to launching s brand new podcast, The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast. When you read this blog post, youll find the best advice that worked for   to launch a podcast, including: How to select a topic that will attract your audience How to structure your podcast How to find the right guests who your audience will love How to approach recording and producing your episodes How to publish and promote your podcast to reach your audience Lets get to it. How To Start A #Podcast (Authentic Advice From Someone Whos Done It) How To Choose Your Topic And Name Your Podcast There's a time-tested method that will help you find the perfect balance between what you want to say and what your audience wants to know. It's called the content core. You can find the perfect topic for your podcast by following this framework. Ask yourself: What is my business really good at? What does my audience really care about? The content core is the point at which your strengths intersect with your audience's interests. That's the best opportunity for you to choose an overarching topic for the entire podcast series, while also giving you a framework for choosing subtopics for individual episodes you'll record later. Action Items: You can begin this exercise by brainstorming  two lists: One list to answer, "What is my business really good at?" Another list to answer, "What does my audience really care about?" Find the ideas that are on both lists and create a final third list. This list is the gold; the nuggets that will propel your podcast into thought leadership your audience will love. In other words, this list is the overarching topic of your podcast as a whole. Now that you have a topic with clear direction knowing you'll publish successful episodes, it's time to determine a name for the podcast. There are a handful of ways to do this: Name it  something clever related to the topic (Example: The Call To Action Podcast) Name it the topic to give the perspective that it is the go-to podcast to listen to on that topic  (Example: The Startup Chat) Name it after a keyword  (Example: The Tim Ferriss Show) Name it some combination of all of these things  (Example: Actionable Content Marketing) If you've already checked out The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, you'll note that we targeted a keyword (content marketing) combined with a standard of performance we demand in all content (actionable). You could try that approach, too, brainstorming lots of different ideas until you find the one that works best for your business. Action Items: Brainstorm common keywords, words, and phrases your audience uses when describing your topic.  You can use your customer survey data to understand common words and phrases they use. Translate the results from your brainstorm into potential names of your podcast. Simply create a list to get started, holding nothing back- rapid fire brainstorming can help you get tons of ideas out quickly. Narrow the list to five of your top picks, then ask your team for their advice. Select one name, preferably shorter and easy to remember. How To Structure Your Podcast For Ultimate Impact By structure, I mean asking yourself: Will the podcast feature only me talking? (Example: Grammar Girl) Could it have  another team member and me? (Example: This Is Your Life) Will we feature different guests as talent on each episode? (Example: Entrepreneur On Fire) There are success stories from all three types of podcast structures. However, in the world of business, I'm biased toward featuring guests. And in the rest of this blog post, you're going to learn how to start a podcast that features new guest talent on each episode. Action Items: Brainstorm the talent you will use to cover your topic on the  podcast. Here are a few questions to consider: Do you know  all of the wealth of information on your topic so much that you don't need anyone else's advice? If so, you could probably go solo. Could you and a teammate choose a subtopic within your content core and banter in an entertaining or educational way? If so, maybe having two people on the show is right for you. Three people can work well for discussion. Four or more people on an episode  often becomes too messy, judging from  convos I've had with Craig Hewitt from Podcast Motor. Could your friends or people you know in the industry- or influencers- help you share more robust stories and reach a larger audience? If so, you'll want to consider inviting guests for different episodes. The other element of podcast structure ties in to how you  plan conversations interesting enough that your audience will love to listen in. There are a few methods for you to consider: Banter: You have a subtopic within your content core, but that's about it. This structure is very loose and requires you to know a lot about the subtopic in advance to be able to direct the conversation to cover the most important parts of the subtopic. (Example: Stuff You Should Know) Segments: You have certain things you talk about in each episode, regardless of the subtopic. It's kind of like traditional news with local news, local weather, national news, national sports, etc. The information itself changes, but the segments of the newscast remain the same. (Example: This Old Marketing) Interview: You ask questions around a specific subtopic. For some guest-driven podcasts like Entrepreneur On Fire, the questions remain the same, only the guests share different expertise and hence different advice. For others like The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, this means knowing the talent's expertise on a specific subtopic and tailoring questions specifically for each guest. (Example: Smart Passive Income) As you can guess, the talent you have on the show should influence the  structure behind the conversation. Internal talent may be more apt for banter and segments whereas  segments and interviews may work better for guests. For the Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, we opted for  featuring guests in an interview style. This gives us a huge opportunity to connect with amazing marketers with  diverse backgrounds who can share tons of different ways to solve big marketing challenges with our audience. This way, we know The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast  won't grow stale because every episode features unique opinions and advice. Plus, we get the added bonus that our talent will help us share the podcast with their own audiences, which furthers the reach of every episode we ship. Action Items: Ask your team for a shortlist of the podcasts they love to listen to. What kind of structure seems to attract and retain their attention? Based on the talent you'd like on your podcast, brainstorm the best way to  have a conversation interesting enough to share with your audience. Will banter, segments, or interviews work best for your podcast? Share your conclusion with your team and ask your team for their advice. You're not in this alone. How To Find Amazing Guests For Your Podcast (And Make Their Experience Awesome, Too) At this point, you haven't shipped anything, so you might feel like it'd be hard to get guests for your podcast. In my experience, that's not true. You just need to look for the folks who already know, like, and trust you. At your disposal, you have: Existing customers who have solved big challenges others like them would love to learn from. Email subscribers who- like existing customers- have solved problems and could share how they did it. Industry friends from similar companies to yours who also have interesting stories to share. Companies you love or buy stuff from- do they have stories your audience would be interested in, too? Unlike asking for a guest blog post, being talent on a podcast is extremely easy for a guest. It requires just a little bit of time to understand the subtopic to cover, how to answer the questions, and the actual recording time. To top it off, your guests get access to your website traffic, email subscribers, social media followers, and the subscribers on all of your podcast outlets like iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, and Google Play. That's a ton of exposure for a guest. ^ And that's the way to market this opportunity to them. Action Items: Ask your team for the names of customers, email subscribers, industry influencers, and your suppliers who would be an excellent fit for a podcast episode according to your content core. Find a  list of your existing customers. Sift through the ones who sound like they'd have interesting stories to share. Sift through your email list for prospects who would be a good fit for your podcast. If necessary, review their website for information from blog posts or news releases on problems they've recently solved to understand how you may be able to share that story in a podcast episode. Peruse the list of companies you  buy stuff from. Think of industry influencers  and friends who could help you out. Pull together a shortlist of all of those email addresses. If for some reason you don't have the email address and just the name, go to that person's website, highlight their name, and use Datanyze Insider to find their email address in a matter of seconds. Now you have a shortlist of people who would be awesome  talent for your podcast. It's time to make the process as painless as possible for them to go from introducing yourself to a recorded episode. I've found a simple process with 10 steps works best (and by the way, you can get the checklist I use for this process- along with all of my email templates- for free in the checklist/template resource that complements this blog post): Step #1:  Reach Out To Talent This is not a blasted message to your entire shortlist that blind copies each person. Tell your talent  how you selected them, why you'd value their contribution, and how they'll benefit from increased exposure from your audience. Provide a link to book an angle conversation with you before you record their  episode using a tool like Calendly. With Calendly, the talent can see your schedule and book a time that works best for them and you. Calendly helps your guests easily book podcast meetings with you. You can also ask them for their  Skype ID (and phone number in Calendly for backup purposes) to help you know how to get in contact with them easily. Step #2:  Follow Up On Outreach Pitch Email inboxes get busy. Give them some time to respond, but also let them know you're serious about featuring them as the top talent on your podcast. I've found about a week or so is a good amount of time to wait before following up. Step #3:  Confirm Angle Appointment If you opt to use Calendly, you will get an automatic email (and an automatic appointment  on your Google Calendar) when your talent books an appointment with you. I've found it's best to add them immediately on Skype right when you get that confirmation  rather than trying to find them via their Skype ID  moments before the angle call. You'll find that some of your talent may give you the wrong Skype ID at first, so the sooner you discover that, the sooner you can  ask for it to avoid unprofessional technical difficulties. At this point, I also send an email to the talent to let them know I received their invitation to chat and let them know to expect to be on an angle call so I can get the information I need to draft questions, and not actually recording their episode. Step #4: Host Angle Call Some podcasts avoid doing this step. I find it's important because you get the opportunity to ask, "What is a major {insert topic} challenge you've solved recently? How did you solve that challenge? What mindset made you successful at solving that challenge?" This gives you all of the information you'd need to know to draft questions for an interview style podcast episode. You also get the chance to hear your talent speak- are they short with their answers, are they long-winded, is their audio bad, etc.? All of that information helps you understand what to expect as the host to direct your talent to show their strengths. I've found one size does not fit all, and these calls are immensely helpful for breaking the ice before recording the actual episode. Step #5: Draft Questions Depending on the person (short or long-winded?), I'll draft 10 to 20 questions to help me reach an intended record-time podcast episode length of about 20 minutes. The average commute to work is 25.4 minutes, so once you add in an introduction, middle call to action, and conclusion, you'll ensure your audience can listen to an entire episode on their way to work. Generally speaking, it's best to error on the side of writing too many questions rather than not having enough to hit your ideal podcast episode length. These questions are based entirely on the conversation from the angle call, and I even leave guests  cues  as a reminder of our prior conversation to direct them on how to answer specific questions. This isn't meant to alleviate their creativity, but rather, help prevent them from giving the same answers to multiple questions, especially with the subtopic of the episode is very narrowly focused. Step #6: Send Questions To Talent Send the questions to your talent, and ask them to book another appointment to record the actual episode. Again, Calendly works wonders for this. It's during this step that you can send a few tips  to help your talent record the best episode possible. For example: Find a quiet place to record without distractions. Use headphones and a microphone. Put phones on silent. Turn off notifications on your computer. Plan on about 45 minutes for recording. Step #7: Send A Reminder The Morning Of Your Recording Your talent is busy. People forget. A short email saying you're excited to chat later today at a specific time serves as a nice reminder so you don't have to rebook your appointment and risk delaying your publishing schedule. Step #8: Record The Episode Explain to your talent what to expect before you record. Will you stick to the questions? Will you pry deeper if you think an answer was too vague? Will you go completely off track and ask new questions entirely (ones your talent may not have prepped for)? Are you recording a separate introduction and conclusion after you have the conversation? If they have a difficult name to pronounce, ask them before you record. And once you hit that record button, let them do the talking. They are the talent, not you. I've found it helpful to write transition sentences to help me move  from one question to the next in a way that feels less jarring than asking straight questions- which also prevents me from bumbling from question to question. As you record more episodes, this process will feel more natural. Skill comes with practice. Step #9: Thank Your Talent After you record the episode, let your talent know you appreciate them! They just did you a solid, so I like to send them something special in the mail and let them know when to expect the episode to launch. Hooray for @swag! Dustin W. Stout #SMMW19 (@DustinWStout) September 28, 2016 At this point, I also ask for anything else I might need to make  the episode completely awesome, like their bio, headshot, company logos, and mailing address (that last one is for a care package). That content goes into blog posts to complement each episode release, along with social media graphics to promote the episode. Step #10: Let Them Know When The Episode Is Live Your talent will listen to their episode, and since they took the time to record it with you, they have incentive to share it with their audience, too. Give them the link to the blog post and the social media graphics you've designed to make it easy for them to share. Action Items: Whether or not you want to follow this exact 10-step process for managing your podcast guests' experiences, take the time now to draft the process that will work best for you and your team. How To Record And Produce Your Podcast Episodes The first thing to do is to make sure you're using the right tools to record  professional quality podcast episodes: Skype is an amazing tool lots of podcasters use for hosting conversations. This is the actual calling software. Ecamm Movie Tools Call Recorder connects into Skype and gives you the  tool to record the conversation. It's good because it records your audio separate from the talent's, so you can easily mix out the person who is not talking and sweeten the audio for each person separately as needed. This technology works with Skype whether you're recording video podcasts or audio podcasts (which is yet another decision you  need to make). Your computer mic isn't good enough, especially if you're the host. Invest in a professional microphone. Over-the-ear or studio headphones help you hear your talent while ensuring your mic doesn't pick up their voice, thus producing an echo. Find  quiet room to record, even if that means ditching your noisy office to record at your home during the middle of the day. As you start to hear the conversations you're having, you can also think through the next steps for production, including music and sound effects, voiceovers, introductions, middle calls to action, and conclusions. Let's explore those areas of each episode a bit more. Choose Music And Sound Effects That Sound Like  Your Culture Would you like to brand each podcast episode with specific introductory and conclusion music or sound effects? AudioBlocks is a great source to  find music for your podcast. Some things to consider may be: The music you've used in the past for videos The culture of your company (i.e. fun and quirky or serious and strong?) Brand your podcast with music that *sounds* like your visual brand.Consider A Professional Voiceover For Your Introduction And Conclusion Would you like a professional voiceover to introduce your podcast name and company? Should it be a  male or female voice? For example, a majority of 's audience is female, so  for the Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, we decided a professional female voiceover would be best. The voiceover talent offers an introduction to each episode, saying, "You're listening to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, powered by : The #1 marketing calendar for everything you need organized."  The same voice also concludes each episode, saying, "You've been listening to  The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, from your friends at . For more actionable content, visit .com."  is a freelancing source that helps connect voiceover talent with folks like you. Record Episode-Specific Introductions To  Share Your Talent's Credibility On The Subtopic Of Each Episode Record an introduction to the episode immediately  after you record the conversation. This helps you connect the dots between  your talent's advice and the classic WIIFM (what's in it for me?) for your audience. For these introductions, I like this framework: Begin with something catchy to help your listener feel like the episode will help them solve a problem.  "What if you could...", "Image how you'd feel when...", and similar discovery verbiage helps set the tone for what listeners will learn throughout  the entire episode. Introduce the talent as the ultimate authority on the subtopic within the episode and why listeners should trust the guest's advice. Cover the WIIFM  in detail, focusing on the benefits your listeners will receive if they simply continue  listening to the episode. Introduce yourself so new listeners have a frame of reference for who you are as the host. If, for example, your professional voiceover introduces the podcast name by your company, you can introduce yourself as "Nathan from " to let your listeners know you represent  that business. Restate the name of the podcast to help listeners remember where they're learning this valuable information. Record Episode-Specific Middle Calls To Action To Give Away Exclusive Content Like traditional TV shows usually have  commercial breaks every eight minutes, so should your podcast episodes. The human brain can only pay attention for so long before it needs a distraction. Middle calls to action may act as ads for your product or service, a related piece of content you've just published, or even sponsorships (if that's how you're funding your podcast). For The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, I try to connect the dots between the conversation at hand and how can help listeners put that advice into practice. There are a few elements of these calls to action  that help it feel appropriate in context: Begin with a sentence that clearly indicates the podcast episode is not ending. "There's a lot more advice from {talent name} to come." Keep the call to action short. "If you'd like to do {episode subtopic advice}  like {talent name}, {our product} is a great fit." Give them a specific link to visit. "Just sign up at {} to {experience  desired benefit in context to subtopic} now." Transition back to the episode. "Now let's learn more about {episode subtopic} with a little extra help from {talent name}." Record Episode-Specific Conclusions To Button Up The Episode And Remind Listeners Of The Exclusive Offer Conclusions give you the opportunity to thank your talent for sharing their wisdom and reiterate to your audience why that advice is gold. You can also use them to direct your audience to learn more from episode-specific blog posts on your website, and reiterate the special offer you provided in your middle call to action. You could share the following information in your episode conclusions: Thank your talent Share the URL where listeners can find more information on the episode like show notes, talent bios, and episode transcripts Share the URL you mentioned in your middle call to action  with an exclusive offer Ask for  ideas for future episodes or talent you should feature on the podcast A Note On Production: Learning audio editing tools can be time intensive. For the actual editing and production of The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, we work with a partner, Podcast Motor. I'd recommend researching third parties like Podcast Motor for your own podcast because it's like adding a podcast professional as a marketing team member. You get the added benefits that this team member will publish episodes on time no matter what, and will never become distracted by "shiny object" projects that take them off podcast tasks. How To Publish And Promote Your Podcast Episodes (A Grab Bag Of Advice) Libsyn is well-known as one of the best podcast hosting services. From here, you can upload your episodes and enter  destinations  for where to share your podcast episodes. For example, all  Actionable Content Marketing Podcast episodes are hosted on Libsyn and are shared to iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud, and Google Play on a schedule for every week on Tuesday mornings. This step of the process is handled entirely by our partner, Podcast Motor, with the help of Libsyn, and is yet another reason why I'd recommend working with a podcast professional. Once you have your episodes queued in Libsyn, I have some advice for spreading the word as you plan your launch. Definitely Publish A Pre-Launch Podcast Announcement To Get Early Feedback You planned your podcast according to your content core, so  your audience really should love it. But. What if you could know they'll love it instead of just guessing? What if you could *know* your podcast will be successful before launching it?After you've recorded three episodes, I'd recommend publishing a blog post and sharing those  episodes with your existing audience. Share the three episodes- rough cuts with ums, ahs, and absolutely no audio sweetening or voiceovers. The point is to ask for their feedback before you invest any more time into your  podcast. They may have feedback for your structure, talent, guests, etc. that will help you produce even better episodes in the future- even before you launch. Here's an example of how we did exactly that with The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast. Consider Publishing An Episode Zero To Set Your Listeners' Expectations Some podcasts publish  an episode zero to explain the benefits their listeners will receive if they consistently listen to the podcast. It's a handy way to  act as a kind of what's-in-it-for-me? FAQ. Here are some items you could cover in your episode zero: Why the name? What's the goal? How will your audience learn? Who will be on the podcast? What is the structure? What is the content? Where will your audience  find the podcast episodes? When will you consistently publish? Episode zero is definitely a thing you could do, but not necessary for success. Plan Your Frequency And Consistency To Build A Loyal Listener Base Upon launch, our partner, Podcast Motor, recommends publishing at least two episodes (three in total, if you decide to go with episode zero). Still others recommend publishing three episodes (four if you opt for episode zero) to begin with. The main point is this: Publish more than one episode on your initial launch day so your early adopters have more content to consume if they want it. For example, The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast published two episodes on launch day, and will ship a third episode  a few days after that initial launch. A key insight here is to record several episodes before you launch to make sure you have enough content  to launch and keep you going. Before we launched The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, we had 13 episodes recorded so we wouldn't have to rush our guests to publish a new podcast episode every week. This means after our initial launch week, we had content  prepared for 10  additional weeks. Record a bank of episodes before you launch your #podcast.As you thought through your episode zero, you  already asked yourself how often and when to publish. Knowing this information- will it be every Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. or once a month on the first Monday of the month?- will help you understand how big of a content bank to build before you launch. Plan Consistent Podcast Episode Names To Emphasize Your Talent's Credibility An awesome thing about podcasts- at least something we're trying for The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast- is to not focus so much on keywords. That frees us up to focus on stories that no one else in our industry is talking about with the folks who've solved major marketing challenges. That reflects deeply in the headlines we create for podcast names, and I'd suggest you follow a similar approach. Here are several examples from our initial podcast episodes- and also a sneak peek at what you're going to learn from The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast ;) How To Create A Bank Of Content (And Plan Ahead) With Janna Maron From Smart Passive Income How To Hack Your Marketing Like A Startup With Garrett Moon From How To Boost Facebook Engagement With Kelly Fitzgerald From Anytime Fitness How To Build Influence In Any Industry With Chris Dessi From Silverback Social How To Market A Brand New Feature Or Product With Kathryn Nyhus From How To Improve Your Editorial Strategy With Tara Clapper From SEMrush How To Optimize Your Social Media Messages With Dustin Stout From Warfare Plugins How To Solve Marketing Fire Drills With Kyle DeWeerdt From Apprenda How To Double Your Facebook Reach With Rebekah Radice From Post Planner How To Prioritize Your Marketing Projects With Josh Pigford From Baremetrics How To Organize  Content Creation Like A Publisher With Matt Ankeny From Gear Patrol How To Generate And Nurture Leads With Brittany Berger From Mention How To Implement  A Guest Blogging Process With Jess Ostroff From Don't Panic Management The main lesson here is to share what your listeners will learn, backed by your guest's name and company to emphasize  their credibility on the subtopic. That whole credibility thing  should also tie nicely into your episode-specific introduction to share with your audience why you chose to chat with a specific guest about that subtopic, connecting the dots from headline to the context of the conversation. Distinguish  Your Podcast With Graphic Design Your podcast needs  a specific branding  style to distinguish itself among all the other podcasts in iTunes and beyond. If you don't have a designer in-house, it will make sense to either work with a third-party like Podcast Motor to help you with per-episode feature graphics, or create a long-term contract with a designer through a credible source like Dribbble. Our graphic designer, Ashton Hauff,  created a podcast branding PDF to help us brand The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast. In addition, she is designing every blog post feature graphic to show off the talent, and brand the blog posts specifically for the podcast. For example, here are a couple examples of blog post feature graphics Ashton has  worked through for episodes #1 and #2: Introduce Your Blog Audience To Your Podcast With Episode-Specific Blog Posts I've alluded to this a few times- but it just makes sense to share each podcast episode in a specially-published post on your blog. This helps your existing blog audience and email subscribers see that you're offering  them an entirely new way to experience your already-amazing content. There are a few elements of these blog posts that will ensure  an excellent experience for your blog audience while keeping your workload simple: Create a feature blog graphic. This helps distinguish each episode and can really show off the talent you're bringing to your audience. Embed the podcast episode inline in the blog post. The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast uses a player custom-built by Podcast Motor, and  there are many others including the Smart Podcast Player from Smart Passive Income. These players give your blog post readers the opportunity to listen to your episode while they peruse  the blog post. Include show notes. These are simply the big takeaways listeners will hear in detail as they listen to the episode. Include quotes from your guests. These are instantly shareable and immediately reiterate your guest's credibility on the subtopic of the episode. Create quote graphics. Once you know the quotes, it's easy to grab that text and turn them into sharable graphics.  Now that you have a feature graphic and several quote graphics, you can  easily provide those to your guest for when their episode launches so they can help you spread the word with beautifully branded and eye-catching social messages. These work really well for you to share your own blog posts on social media. Include a bio for your guest. Again, bios are great for showing your audience why your guest has the authority to provide  actionable advice on the subtopic. Include a full-episode transcript.  Have you ever listened to podcasts on the go, then wanted to find a specific piece of advice later? I know I have. And full episode transcripts make it easy for your audience to find the information they need quickly. Include a call to action to subscribe on iTunes. If your visitors are liking what they're hearing, it's nice for them to have the opportunity to subscribe on iTunes (preferably) or to a specific email list you've created just for your podcast listeners. Easily Direct Traffic To A Custom Podcast Landing Page In your episodes themselves, it's nice to  have an easy way to direct your listeners to where they can find more information. I've found a specially-designed landing page with a simple-to-say URL is handy. Your landing page can serve the purpose of: Showing your latest episodes with links to the specific blog posts. Optimizing the experience to convert visitors into iTunes subscribers (or a specific podcast subscriber email list). Here's how we did it for The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast with help from our front-end designer and developer, Megan Beck, and Ashton's branding guidelines. Give Away  Exclusive Content With A Custom Podcast Signup Page For The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, we also wanted to give our podcast listeners a special, exclusive offer of .  Like the custom podcast landing page, I needed a URL that was easy to say in each episode, and a custom signup page especially built for podcast listeners. The main point here is this: If you have one call to action per episode, what would it be for your podcast? And how will you optimize that experience for your listeners? If you have one call to action per episode, what would it be for your podcast?Oh... if you want to know what that exclusive offer is, the only way to find out is by listening to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast. We are planning to not hand that URL out anywhere else to really know that the podcast is driving those conversions. ^ I'd suggest you experiment with something similar. Build Excitement Like any piece of content you publish, promotion is critical to success. Here are a few bonus ideas/tactics that may work for promoting your episodes: Tag companies mentioned in each episode in social media messages (or find their email addresses with a tool like Datanyze Insider or and email them) Ask your guests to share their episodes and provide them the custom graphics you've created Email your general subscriber list Email your podcast-specific subscriber list Ask your company, friends, and family to  share Include calls to action  to your podcast landing page from your new and most popular blog posts Install Hello Bar or the equivalent to share your podcast with all website visitors Tease episode releases a day before you publish them ... And That's How To Start A Podcast Good luck as you start your own podcast! I'd love to hear your additional advice and lessons learned along the way. And if you have subtopics or people you'd love to hear us feature on The  Actionable Content Marketing Podcast, let me know!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Graduation (Narrative Writing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Graduation (Narrative Writing) - Essay Example Unfortunately, when my father lost his way to the place, I started to get nervous that I might be late or my name would be called and I would not be there. This was a shameful thing to even think of yet I had these open-eyed dreams again and again. There was something seriously terrible happening that day, not only with me but also the ones who were linked to me in one way or the other. My family had to take the brunt of my worry. Eventually my father reached the place safe and sound and in one piece. I quickly wore the graduation gown and the weird cap that made me feel uneasy all the time. It kept getting off my head and I chased it more than anything else that I have chased all my life. The ultimate moment came when my name was called out on the stage but I did not pay heed to it, more so because I was busy finding my cap and then putting it back up on my head again. I was really angry when my name was called out the second time as I quickly got up and started to march towards the principal in order to collect my degree. This was a difficult walk since I stumbled upon back and forth. Eventually I reached the place where the principal was standing and took my degree and left the stage as soon as I had entered. I believe all of this happened within a blink of an eye. I just could not come to terms with what had happened with my own self all this while. I believe whatever happens, happens for a reason and so is the case with my graduation day. I laugh at the events that happened on that day and it makes me realize that nearly all events of life must be enjoyed as they teach one lesson or the other at different stage of one’s career. I was unsatisfied earlier that my graduation day went really bad and I had no fond memories of the same to share with my friends yet when I think about the same now, I come to the realization that it makes me feel happy and at ease and more than anything else, it spreads a smile on my face

Analytical Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Analytical Report - Coursework Example Industry clusters provide favourable business environment for various types of business entities, including core businesses, supporting businesses, government structures, academic and research institutions, etc. Industry clusters facilitate collaboration among all these members and facilitates innovation within a cluster. Close proximity and direct communication increases trust among firms and commitment. Due to knowledge sharing environment companies gain competitive advantage and stay ahead of rivals, operating distantly. Moreover, while operating within one geographical location, firms are encouraged to collaborate with various players, starting from customers and suppliers, and ending with government and research institutions. As a result, many companies collaborate in terms of R&D, driving thus innovation performance within a cluster. This form of collaboration increases innovation performance and makes companies more competitive on the global market. National legislation and po licies play an important role in promoting collaboration and innovation within a specific cluster. Thus, major attributes of industrial clusters (knowledge sharing and collaboration) enable firms to develop long-term relationships with their business partners, and thus to establish more sustainable business model. Concentration of research institutions, universities, think tanks and other industry players facilitates innovation and development. As the research shows, all these aspects help nations to gain and maintain competitive advantages in the international arena. In the era of globalisation, improved logistics and communication, it may appear that geographical location plays less important role in competitive position of a nation or a country. There are practically no more physical constraints imposed by distance factor as companies may source, supply and provide services/sell products distantly (Porter, 1998). However, there is another tendency, which challenges this position,

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Right to Work - Employment Relations Act Research Paper

The Right to Work - Employment Relations Act - Research Paper Example The formal name for the legislation was the Labor Management Relations Act (Decker and Covington, 2002). Apparently, the act was aimed at protecting workers from forced unionization and gave them the freedom to decide on whether or not to join labour unions but still enjoy job security (NRTW, 2011). This paper is a critical evaluation of labour relations in the states of Texas and New York in terms of the right to work. The right to work as per the US labour laws protects workers from losing their jobs or applicants being denied job opportunities on the basis of their affiliation with labour unions either financially or otherwise (NRTW, 2011). In this context, it would be important to mention that labour organizations are an important entity in the society, which, among other responsibilities, fights for the betterment of employee’s lives by acting as a unified force through which workers concerns and grievances are presented to the relevant stakeholders such as employers and the government at large for consideration. In general, labour unions are supposed to be the major champions and defenders of workers’ rights to ensure that they are not discriminated in any way by scrupulous agencies and employers. However, it is notable that some labour laws in different states in the US provide for the same unions to trample on some of the fundamental rights of employees that are included even in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states categorically that it is every person’s right to work. Such states are for example New York, which is pro-forced unionization. In New York State, unions are given the right to demand union fees from employees as a condition for their continued employment (FindLaw 2011). To achieve this, the employers work hand in hand with the unions to ensure that the fees are deducted from the salaries and delivered to the unions. If an employee refuses to pay up, they are faced with the possibility of losing their jobs, a factor which is categorized as a major challenge especially for the young generations, who opt to move to other states such as Texas, which have the right to work.  Ã‚  

External Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

External Resource Management - Essay Example These are some of the points that Silver would want to emphasise to Dr. Spiller. However, these could be hardly understood on Dr. Spiller’s part because he is justifying his points as well. The centralisation procedure may be slow to react to local user’s needs and also may be remote from local user or internal customer. Dr. Spiller may have important specifications of an X-ray processor that he found can only be provided by New Age and he can certainly use this as important justification. On the other hand, in a decentralized purchasing activity, Dr. Spiller can actually enjoy the benefits of addressing the local needs of their department and as user of the newly X-ray processor. Their problems may be easily responded at better quality as well. Regarding this issue, it is therefore clear that Rose Silver is only trying to do its part for the good of the company. Dr. Spiller on the other hand is trying to do its part based on what he believes is right for their patient care. They both have essential points to stand on. However, this would matter depending on the generalised process that should be involved in purchasing activity. The first step is basically sourcing. In this stage, the purchasing department receives requisition and asks or solicits quotations. The next step involves authority and ethics. At this point the purchasing department has to negotiate with suppliers and then place its order. Finally, logistics and payment ensures that the supplies are received and payments are made. Based on the above procedure, Dr. Spiller cannot actually justify his concern with Rose Silver. This is due to the fact that Dr. Spiller’s concerns with their patients are not in line with Silver’s main functions. What is only in line with Dr. Spiller’s concerns with Silver’s role in the company is the issue about receiving requisitions and asking for quotations and supplier’s negotiation. 2. What risks or ethical problems cou ld potentially arise from his approach? In the absence of quotations or requisitions, Dr. Spiller could potentially face problems about dishonesty and untrustworthiness. The main point of having quotations and requisitions is to ensure transparency in the actual purchasing process. This is also to ensure that the right prices and quality standards are obtained. Dr. Spiller needs to understand that when there is money involved, the role of Silver is to provide transparent accounting system in order to justify the actual purchasing experience if it is in line with the organisation’s prevailing purchasing standard. In the absence of this, Dr. Spiller is most likely to be confronted with substantial ethical subjects including fraud as aftermath of the main issues like dishonesty and untrustworthiness. If he would push forward to his stand, Dr. Spiller may potentially be showing disrespect to Silver. Silver is a legitimate authority in the purchasing activity. It is not the concer n of Silver to approve Dr. Spiller’s request because there is a process involved. This process requires that everything should undergo specific approval of an authority. On the other hand, Dr. Spiller does not have much authority involved in the actual purchasing process except however for his specifications and technical know-how of the equipment. However, the final authority of the purchasing process

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Geology----Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Article

Geology----Stratigraphy and Sedimentation - Article Example Two pertinent events have been intricately discussed. These are namely the episodic events and the continuous events. By definition, the episodic events are used in reference to those that become eminent in a matter of hours or days. It is important to reiterate that their effects are distinct and pertinent to this research. On the other hand, Continuous events are differentiated by the fact that they spread over months, years or even decades. Evidently, field mapping and reference chronology were succinctly applied in the analysis process. The tree ring method is a pertinent component in geomorphology. This is evident in its multiple applications such as assistance in comprehension ofthe geomorphic processes, the consequent frequency and events. Further to this, the annual precision will also aid in predicting floods and other events in future so as to avert the damages caused by the same. Previous research has revealed that the flood rings in 1826 and 1850. In this regard, it was e stablished that the tree with flood rings were proportionate to the discharge. The primary trees that were subject to the sampling procedure were those identified as are mainly affected by the geomorphic processes. These included trees growing near river banks, trees growing on the edges of gullies and avalanche paths and trees growing right on the sediment plants. In conclusion,the overall relevance of the tree ring method as far geomorphology is concerned includes; ascertaining the magnitude and frequency of events, providing an annual precision; the tree rings are pertinent as far as predicting continuous and episodic processes; as well as delineating the spatial location affected by a process. Howard and Blakey have done a commendable job in relating their observations and interpretations. The data provided is enough for all the facies interpretation. Their interpretation of fluvial channel mobility in relation with the geometry of sandstone bodies is correct and there

The impact of Al Jazeera channel relationship with the State of Qatar Dissertation

The impact of Al Jazeera channel relationship with the State of Qatar to other countries - Dissertation Example 20-26, 2007), things have changed abruptly and media’s role has become decisive where breaking news has become a tool for changing of governments, as well as tensions between the nations. In this era of globalization, media has become an evident tool of bringing change through communication around the globe, and evidently, media has been benefiting from this huge authority and responsibility; however, it is an observation (Ingram & Dodds, pp. 58-69, 2009) that it has resulted in increment in governmental crisis in a number of countries. Research Statement In this regard, the researcher will put efforts on the below mentioned research statement to achieve aims and objectives of the research: â€Å"To identify and analyze the impact of Al-Jazeera Channel Relationship with the State of Qatar to other countries† Aims and Objectives Some of the particular aims and objectives of the proposed research are: Identification and analysis of the role of Al-Jazeera Channel in Arab r egion Scrutinize the extent of Al-Jazeera impact on the State of Qatar specifically Study the nature of Al-Jazeera’s relationship with the State of Qatar Investigate the impact of abovementioned relationship on Qatar’s relations with other nations Identify and recommend strategies that may ensure positive impact of studied factors on performance and reward management systems of business organizations Research Questions & Hypotheses In brief, the research will focus on the following research questions: What is the role of Al-Jazeera in Qatar? What is the role of Al-Jazeera in Arab region? What is the role of Al-Jazeera in enhancing/deteriorating relationships of Qatar with other nations/regions? The below-mentioned literature review has led to the following hypothesis, which will be under testing in the process of research: 1. Al-Jazeera is positively under correlation with Qatar. This means that Qatar will be able to resolve its various bilateral issues based on functi ons and operations of Al-Jazeera channel. LITERATURE REVIEW Brief analysis of literature (Miles, pp. 23-29, 2005) has indicated that neighbors Qatar and Saudi Arabia are almost similar in terms of their social and cultural existences, as both seem to be following ultra-sensitive Wahabbism (Tatham, 2005). However, one single notion that differentiates the State of Qatar from Saudi entity is television channel of Al-Jazeera (2011) that has been successful in ensuring an individual identification and social existence of Qatar around the globe. In particular, Al-Jazeera (2011) means ‘the island’ in literal perspective; however, from a critical perspective, Al-Jazeera (2011) is a satellite television channel that has been able to achieve success in a short period; however, has acquired this success with huge volumes of antagonism and controversies for itself, as well as for the State of Qatar (ICWN, 2010). Still, even after huge number of controversies, Al-Jazeera (2011) has been unbeaten in catering roughly thirty-five million Arabs by providing international news. In addition, scrutiny of media reports has indicated that Al-Jazeera (2011) has even been able to create disturbance for big names, such as BBC, CNN, etc by dominating on the news related

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Geology----Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Article

Geology----Stratigraphy and Sedimentation - Article Example Two pertinent events have been intricately discussed. These are namely the episodic events and the continuous events. By definition, the episodic events are used in reference to those that become eminent in a matter of hours or days. It is important to reiterate that their effects are distinct and pertinent to this research. On the other hand, Continuous events are differentiated by the fact that they spread over months, years or even decades. Evidently, field mapping and reference chronology were succinctly applied in the analysis process. The tree ring method is a pertinent component in geomorphology. This is evident in its multiple applications such as assistance in comprehension ofthe geomorphic processes, the consequent frequency and events. Further to this, the annual precision will also aid in predicting floods and other events in future so as to avert the damages caused by the same. Previous research has revealed that the flood rings in 1826 and 1850. In this regard, it was e stablished that the tree with flood rings were proportionate to the discharge. The primary trees that were subject to the sampling procedure were those identified as are mainly affected by the geomorphic processes. These included trees growing near river banks, trees growing on the edges of gullies and avalanche paths and trees growing right on the sediment plants. In conclusion,the overall relevance of the tree ring method as far geomorphology is concerned includes; ascertaining the magnitude and frequency of events, providing an annual precision; the tree rings are pertinent as far as predicting continuous and episodic processes; as well as delineating the spatial location affected by a process. Howard and Blakey have done a commendable job in relating their observations and interpretations. The data provided is enough for all the facies interpretation. Their interpretation of fluvial channel mobility in relation with the geometry of sandstone bodies is correct and there