Thursday, August 27, 2020


HIPAA THE IMPACT ON HEALTHCARE expositions A wide range of things have affected the clinical network in later a long time including innovative changes that have encouraged more prominent interchanges and clinical revelations. From an administrative point of view, the order of HIPPA rules and guidelines by a long shot is one of the most significant. As indicated by the American Medical Association (AMA), HIPPA carries the most major developments to medicinal services since the formation of Before talking about the progressions it is first basic to examine what precisely HIPPA is. HIPPA represents the Health Insurance Portability and Responsibility Act of 1996, otherwise called Public Law 104-191 (HIPPA Group, 2002). HIPPA has achieved the accompanying identified with social insurance:  ª Ensures access to medical coverage, and furthermore ensures versatility  ª Provides congruity of medicinal services protection inclusion and forestalls also, carefully forbids segregation  ª Works to secure secret wellbeing data and clinical records  ª Enables patients to have more authority over their records  ª Self utilized people are permitted medical coverage charge derivations  ª Provides for better human services efficiencies HIPPA has influenced the human services industry in an assortment of ways. One way in which it has affected wellbeing suppliers is standing out they direct business electronically. E based business and administrations are turning out to be progressively well known to some extent because of the web. Medicinal services associations would now be able to share data about patients, store records and offer knowledge identified with understanding conditions by means of electronic correspondences. As anybody knows in any case, because of security issues and simplicity of programmer access on the web, it has become progressively significant that medicinal services exchanges be observed from a security and protection point of view. HIPPA legisl... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

effect) essays

Antidepressants (cause/impact) articles Antidepressants can be very gainful to patients also inconvenient. Specialists are going to antidepressants as a fix just for anyone feeling down or low. All individuals experience characteristic high and depressed spots in their lives and most needn't bother with medicine to support them. There can be not kidding physical, mental, and passionate reactions to taking an upper when recommended by the specialist both accurately or mistakenly. There are two kinds of melancholies that can happen. The main sort is a characteristic melancholy brought about by happenings in a people life. This is brought about by the ordinary occasions put on an individual by such things as family, companions, school, and work. A characteristic wretchedness can last from only one day to several months. The second sort of discouragement is brought about by a compound unevenness in the cerebrum. In the cerebrum are a huge number of things called synapses. Synapses are synthetics in the mind that convey messages starting with one cell then onto the next. When there are ill-advised adjusts in synapses, different infections result, including gloom. There are a few sorts of synthetics in synapses; serotonin, neropinephrine, and dopamine. Antidepressants work by either giving a greater amount of said synthetics to the body or by blocking reuptake cells that pick the concoction back up after it has been discharged to permit the substance more opportun ity to arrive at its goal. At the point when endorsed accurately, antidepressants can be useful to a patient. In the wake of being taken for half a month the patient will begin to come back to typical day by day exercises. Patients will have the option to get up in the first part of the day and do the exercises they had halted in light of the fact that they no longer felt constrained to do them. Patients in a downturn typically rest extended periods of time and avoid difficult or lumbering exercises. In the wake of taking the antidepressants they will come back to a some what ordinary rest plan and will have the vitality t... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Write Genetically Engineered Essay Topics

How to Write Genetically Engineered Essay TopicsGenetic engineering essay topics for the AP Biology exam are an excellent way to develop research skills. The essays are intended to let the examiner know that the candidate has a strong grasp of the field and is taking the time to develop a well-rounded college student essay. To be prepared for this section of the exam, you should ensure that you know how to write an effective genetic engineering essay topic.The first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with what genetic engineering actually means. Biology teachers will want to provide examples in which genes are transferred from one organism to another. Examples include a gamete that is fertilized by a sperm cell and transferred to the ovum. Another example would be a developing embryo that is transferred to the uterus.Next, get ready to write your own genetic engineering essay topics. Of course, each essay should be unique, but the fundamental format is to discuss the major a reas of genetic engineering. Typically, this will involve three major parts.You must first deal with the introduction and outline of your entire essay. One way to do this is to provide a concise overview of the project. You should avoid mentioning specific genetic engineering procedures or technologies at this point, unless you have a good reason for doing so. This way, your reader will understand why you are discussing these issues.Next, you must describe the four chapters of your essay. In order to do this, you must first clearly define the issue. Use examples from the field to accomplish this. If you can, ask some of your classmates for ideas and then combine them into an integrated essay.Finally, you must focus on the 'what' of your essay - the complete structure of your genetic engineering report, including the topic, the title, and the introduction. For example, if you are dealing with medical applications of genetic engineering, you would need to provide an explanation of how genetic modifications may benefit human health. Whether the intended audience is a student or a parent, make sure you provide them with the information they need.Next, you will want to provide sources for your information on genetic engineering. In addition to being able to research the topic for yourself, it is also recommended that you use materials that have been written by experts in the field. These materials are available online or at your local library.Last, you will want to demonstrate your understanding of the scientific rationale for genetic engineering by providing a detailed explanation of why the operation of this process may improve human health. By using examples from the current literature, and by highlighting the benefits of the procedure, you can get a hold of the Biology final exam.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Tarjeta NEXUS para frontera Estados Unidos y Canadá

Nexus es una tarjeta que permite el trà ¡nsito acelerado de control migratorio y aduanero entre Estados Unidos y Canadà ¡. Forma parte de un grupo de alternativas de cruce de aduanas conocido como Programa de Viajeros de Confianza. La tarjeta NEXUS es và ¡lida en todas las fronteras terrestres entre Estados Unidos y Canadà ¡, pero ademà ¡s, tiene  otras ventajas. Por ejemplo, puede ser utilizada en  vuelos domà ©sticos dentro de los Estados Unidos e incluso algunos  internacionales que se especifican mà ¡s abajo. e incluso en el pase de la frontera terrestre entre los Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre quià ©n puede beneficiarse de NEXUS, cà ³mo se solicita y cuà ¡les son sus ventajas. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la tarjeta NEXUS Ciudadanos americanosCanadiensesResidentes permanentes legales de USA o de Canadà ¡ siempre y cuando lleven residiendo en dichos paà ­ses por un mà ­nimo de tres aà ±os. Cà ³mo se solicita la tarjeta NEXUS En Estados Unidos, aplicar por internet en la pà ¡gina oficial del Servicio de Proteccià ³n de Fronteras y Aduanas (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Se trata de una pà ¡gina que se llama GOES, que son las iniciales del programa Global Online Enrollment System. La pà ¡gina, que puede elegirse en los idiomas inglà ©s, espaà ±ol, o francà ©s, da la opcià ³n de enrolarse en cualquiera de los Programas de Viajeros de Confianza, es decir, no solo para NEXUS sino tambià ©n para Global Entry (avià ³n), FAST o SENTRI (terrestre en frontera con Mà ©xico). Debe elegirse y hacer click sobre el icono del programa de interà ©s, en este caso NEXUS. Sin embargo, si es la primera vez que se ingresa al sistema, es necesario crear una cuenta. Para ello, mover el cursor de la pà ¡gina hacia abajo y proceder a donde dice Inscripcià ³n de Nuevos Usuarios al GOES. En el caso de familias, debe crearse una cuenta por cada persona. Es decir, incluso los nià ±os pequeà ±os deben tener su propia cuenta. Ademà ¡s, pagar la cuota de $50 (excepto los menores de 18 aà ±os, para los que es gratis) y enviar copia de los documentos que se solicitan. Durante el proceso de llenado del formulario es posible editar las respuestas. Sin embargo, una vez certificadas ya no serà ¡ posible realizar ningà ºn cambio. En estos casos, en el momento de la entrevista es cuando se debe notificar todo tipo de errores que pueda contener el formulario. Serà ¡ necesario pasar un examen de historial delictivo y una entrevista en persona. La aplicacià ³n deberà ¡ ser aprobada conjuntamente por las autoridades de Canadà ¡ y de los Estados Unidos. Serà ¡ rechazada si la persona ha sido condenada por algà ºn delito o ha cometido alguna infraccià ³n migratoria o aduanera en viajes anteriores o si por cualquier razà ³n la persona no es elegible y/o admisible a los Estados Unidos. Si la solicitud es aprobada condicionalmente, el solicitante deberà ¡ proceder a cerrar una cita. En el caso de familias, debe cerrarse una cita por cada miembro de la unidad familiar que està ¡ pidiendo la tarjeta NEXUS. Si despuà ©s de la entrevista la tarjeta es aprobada, se recibirà ¡ por correo en unos pocos dà ­as. Es và ¡lida por cinco aà ±os y debe renovarse seis meses antes de su expiracià ³n.   Cuà ¡les son los beneficios de tener una tarjeta NEXUS Un pase mà ¡s rà ¡pido en los controles de aduanas. Las reglas son distintas segà ºn los casos: Frontera terrestre entre Estados Unidos y Canadà ¡: Los titulares de una tarjeta NEXUS pueden utilizar las filas asà ­ expresamente seà ±aladas pero sà ³lo si se dan dos condiciones: Todos los ocupantes del auto, incluidos los nià ±os, deben tener su propia tarjeta.No ingresar ningà ºn artà ­culo prohibido para traer o que obligue a una declaracià ³n de bienes en Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, una cantidad elevada de dinero sin declarar. Por el contrario, sà ­ que se pueden traer mascotas e, incluso, piezas de caza. Pero es necesario respetar las reglas. Los residentes permanentes legales deben llevar con ellos, ademà ¡s de la tarjeta NEXUS, la de residencia (green card) y sus pasaportes ya que se puede pedir que los muestre. Frontera terrestre entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico: Los titulares de una tarjeta NEXUS que viajan en un auto registrado y aprobado pueden ingresar a USA desde Mà ©xico utilizando las là ­neas seà ±aladas como SENTRI, disminuyendo asà ­ los tiempos de espera para los cruces por los controles migratorios internacionales. Si el auto no està ¡ aprobado, los ciudadanos americanos pueden ingresar de regreso al paà ­s utilizando la tarjeta NEXUS y colocà ¡ndose en cualquiera de las filas que no es SENTRI. Ingreso a Estados Unidos por aeropuerto: Los ciudadanos americanos que tienen una tarjeta NEXUS pueden acelerar su ingreso al paà ­s dirigià ©ndose en el aeropuerto a los kioskos del programa Global Entry. Tienen que llevar sus pasaportes estadounidenses (y tambià ©n es aconsejable que lleven la tarjeta). Ademà ¡s los ciudadanos americanos pueden ingresar por un aeropuerto a Estados Unidos utilizando la NEXUS como su à ºnica identificacià ³n cuando el punto de origen del vuelo sea un o de los siguientes aeropuertos canadienses: Robert L. Stanfield (Halifax)Pierre Elliott Trudeau (Montreal)Macdonald-Carter (Ottawa)Pearson (Toronton)James Armstrong Richardson (Winnipeg)Calgary International AirportEdmonton International AirportVancouver International Airport Vuelos domà ©sticos dentro de Estados Unidos Los titulares de la NEXUS pueden utilizar el programa TSA PreCheck.  Su fin es acelerar el paso por control de seguridad. Para ello antes de volar deben introducir su Pass ID Custom and Border Protection/trusted traveler number que aparece en su tarjeta en la reserva de su vuelo. Y si tienen una cuenta de viajero frecuente, en la misma.   De interà ©s y recomendacià ³n Por à ºltimo, la tarjeta Nexus puede ser realmente à ºtil a los estudiantes canadienses que cursan sus estudios en los Estados Unidos en instituciones cercanas a la frontera y continà ºan teniendo su residencia en Canadà ¡. Seà ±alar, ademà ¡s, que para estos casos especà ­ficos existe la visa F-3, que es poco conocida, pero existe y ofrece sus ventajas frente a la tà ­pica F-1. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asistencia legal.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Curriculum Development - 618 Words

As an emerging educator the education philosophy embraced will have great impact on the teaching and learning process, beliefs about students, beliefs about knowledge concepts as well as the belief about what is worth knowing. This is so, as each of us perception or the construct of our education philosophy differs as the source may be stemming from differing schools of thought. According to Wiles Bondi, major philosophies of life and education have traditionally been defined by three criteria; what is good, what is true and what is read. It must be understood that our perception of these criteria differs and thus reveals a unique pattern of response. Wile Bondi continue to posit that these responses when categorizes and tabled becomes†¦show more content†¦It is only prudent that in our attempt to create a positive teaching and learning experience that we take time to motivate students to learn. This must form the pillar of a good education philosophy. Our students are our clients who enter each session with their differences that need to be acknowledged in order to encourage the process of learning. With this in mind we will accept the reality that each learner grasps / learns differently. These differences ought not to be taken lightly or be discouraged because in doing this one hinders the learning process for our students. To this end I am of the opinion that the facilitator must cater to all different learners. Teaching may be considered communicating knowledge concepts to students. Our philosophy as educators must be grounded in a sound belief as to the process of imparting knowledge concepts as our presentation of these knowledge concepts whether in bits and pieces or the sum total reflect our appreciation of the learner’s ability to assimilate and accommodate new information and what portion. Therefore, as an emerging educator I believe that the presentation of new information must be predicated on the existing schema in order to facilitate a progressive mode of learning. Therefore, the facilitator will present information or create experiences that develop self-actualizing students. How we present the curriculum must stimulate critical thinkers, help students to be effective communicators,Show MoreRelatedCurriculum Development1575 Words   |  7 PagesCurriculum Development The term curriculum originates from the Latin meaning â€Å"race course†. The term has been expanded and today is more widely used in education to mean a plan for a sustained process of teaching and learning (Pratt, 1997, p. 5). There are numerous formats for curriculum models. They can be deductive, meaning â€Å"they proceed from the general (examining the needs of society, for example) to the specific (specifying instructional objectives, for example)†, or inductiveRead MoreCurriculum Development6083 Words   |  25 PagesCurriculum Development Process Purpose 1. This paper describes the curriculum development process that will be used to develop the national curriculum. It also describes the structure of writing teams and consultation groups that will be involved in the national curriculum development. Background 2. The Board is committed to a process of curriculum development in each learning area that: †¢ provides opportunities for consultation †¢ establishes achievable timelines †¢ ensures high quality curriculumRead MoreCurriculum Development10775 Words   |  44 PagesUK (LLUK). These developments in relation to Professionalism in the LLS are explored in detail in the course Wider Professional Practice, so we will not be exploring the developments per se. Nevertheless, Hughes, in Hall Marsh (2000:6) argues that because of their specialised training professionals expect to be accorded discretion in dealing with matters in their area of expertise. This course will introduce you to some of the debates in relation to the use and development of teachers’ expertiseRead MoreCurriculum Development: Process10055 Words   |  41 PagesMODULE 5 Models in Curriculum Development INTRODUCTION Curriculum development is concerned with the drawing up of plans for teaching and learning activities in classroom situations that will bring about positive changes in the lives of the learners. It is based on the school’s mission and goals and identifies ways of translating these into a coherent and coordinated program of meaningful experiences and conditions eliciting responses that will lead to the transformation of the learnersRead MoreDiversity and Curriculum Development2088 Words   |  9 PagesDiversity and Curriculum Development According to David O. McKay (2013), multicultural education is constructed to prepare pupils for citizenship in a democratic society by facilitating them to take into account the needs of all individuals; it shed light on how issues of language, ethnicity, culture, religion race, abilities/disabilities, and gender are entwined with educational content and processes. A multicultural curriculum is needed to accommodate for diverse learning and teaching styles ofRead MoreObjectives Of The Curriculum Development789 Words   |  4 PagesAims, Goals, Objectives of the Curriculum Development The aim for implementing the DII curriculum initiative at Clement Middle School was to comply with the federal mandate of No Child Left Behind. A law which required all public schools receiving federal funding to administer a statewide standardized test annually to all students. Schools that receive Title I funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 must make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in test scores. This aim ledRead MoreFaculty and Curriculum Development 1940 Words   |  8 PagesDesigning the curriculum is the most exciting and creative part of curriculum development. However, Faculty development program diplomas have aims and goals whether or not they are clearly articulated. Therefore, faculty developers are obliged both professionally and ethically to meeting the needs of the students, patients and the society. In such cases, faculty developer should be held accountable for the outcomes of their interventions. In order to achieve these needs, it is necessary to implementRead MoreCurriculum Development; Factors Contributing for a Good Curriculum2297 Words   |  10 PagesSignificance of the Factors of Curriculum Development In the realms of universal educational system, the term â€Å"Curriculum† is widely used. Teacher’s Mind Resources (2011) elucidated that â€Å"the word  curriculum  comes from the Latin word meaning ‘a course for racing’.† By the terminology it self, the definition is so broad that its profoundness, if applied to schools, may define myriad things which might relate to, as what almost all teachers nowadays perceive, as contents to be taught to childrenRead MoreThe Elementary Level Of Curriculum Development809 Words   |  4 Pageslevels in curriculum development. The three levels are broken into; imitative maintenance, mediative, and generative. Teachers at level one are consumed with keeping and maintains the curriculum the same. Level two teachers are looking to refine the curriculum through development, while level three teachers are involved with changing and improving the curriculum (Glickman, Gordon, and Gordon, 2010). Teachers in level one are considered to focus on what is given to them in the curriculum. The teachersRead MoreGap Analysis : Curriculum Development794 Words   |  4 Pages How Gap Analysis Can Be Used in Curriculum Development Mohsin Rasho Valparaiso University â€Å"I have neither given nor received, nor have I tolerated others use of unauthorized aid.† Mohsin Rasho Introduction Curriculum development in nursing education is a process to create and evaluate appropriate subjects and materials for nursing students. According to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dismissal Meeting Paper - 1266 Words

Dismissal Meeting Dr. J. Ford Human Resource Management 530 November 11, 2014 Dismissal Meeting The purpose for writing this paper is to describe and explain the steps involved in coordinating and heading a dismissal meeting for an employee layoff. The contents of this paper will include a proposal of ways that a manager can cope with any negative emotions that may accompany an employee layoff. There will also be mention of a step-by-step process used in conducting the meeting. In addition, the human resource manager of the organization will determine the compensation that will be allotted by the company. Included will be a chart depicting the timeline of the disbursement for the compensation. Last, the author will predict†¦show more content†¦An example is that the employer of AYZ Company will provide the separated employee one week’s pay for every year that he or she has worked. The employee made $2000 a week and worked 10 years. Therefore, his or her compensation will be broken down to two payments a month for five months. The employee will be paid $2000 ever y two weeks on the 1st and 15th of each month Timeline of the Disbursement for Compensation Severance Pay For Five (5) Months 1st of the Month 15th of the Month Jan $2000 $2000 Feb $2000 $2000 March $2000 $2000 April $2000 $2000 May $2000 $2000 June $00 $00 July $00 $00 Aug $00 $00 Sep $00 $00 Oct $00 $00 Nov $00 $00 Dec $00 $00 Impact of layoff In most cases, an organizations reputation is usually harmed in layoffs and downsizing. Organizations that downsize may have some benefits, depending on the circumstances behind the layoffs and the strategy that is implemented. Downsizing also poses problems for organizations with long-term employment relationships. According to the authors of Human Resource Management 530, â€Å"downsizing alone is not as effective as downsizing combined with other efforts to change† (Stewart, G. L., Brown, K. G. (2012). In addition, the layoff also causes a ripple effect that causes the team to break. Three implications for the organization are decreased customer loyalty, emotional distress, and increasedShow MoreRelatedBSBMGT502B Webinar 2 Essay1270 Words   |  6 Pagessituation that happened leading up to the dismissal of Sam ï‚â€" The unfair dismissal claim ï‚â€" Discussion on the judgement ï‚â€" What could have been done to avoid the situation ï‚â€" What should be done in the future to avoid such a situation Summary ï‚â€" Sam (Samantha) is a programmer. ï‚â€" She has missed deadlines. ï‚â€" She is not familiar with the new programming language. ï‚â€" As Sam’s manager you have been managing her more effectively. ï‚â€" In a meeting with Sam to discuss her not meeting her latest deadline she: ï‚â€" PhysicallyRead MoreAustralian Business Media Reported That The Board Of Federation Centre1517 Words   |  7 Pagescases in the Australian court in which directors are removed also by the board. Therefore, this paper will analyse the legal, ethical and commercial issues regarding with the removal of FDC’s director, discuss the problem in the procedure of removal directors stipulated in the legislation, and compare other regulations in the common law and civil law countries. Finally, drafts of new mechanism of dismissal directors will be provided in this research to reform Section 203D and 203E of the CorporationsRead MoreEssay On Public Policy1032 Words   |  5 PagesNursing meet bimonthly, generally during the first week of every even month. The full board meetings include disciplinary cases, application review, committee reports, rule discussions and other necessary Board actions. Board meetings are open to the public. The meeting of my state board of nursing cho sen for this scholarly paper related to Government Regulation: Public Policy, occurred September 26, 2017 the meeting agenda continued to covered amendments’ to Administrative Complaints, (filed by stateRead MoreHrm 530 Assignment 3 Dismissal Meeting1465 Words   |  6 PagesAssignment 3: Dismissal Meeting Imagine that you are an office manager and you have been tasked with the job of coordinating and heading the dismissal meeting for an employee layoff.    Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Propose three (3) ways that a manager can cope with any negative emotions that may accompany an employee layoff. 2. Describe a step-by-step process of conducting the dismissal meeting.    3. Determine the compensation that the fictitious companyRead MoreAssignment 3: Dismissal Meeting. Preparing For A Reduction1691 Words   |  7 PagesAssignment 3: Dismissal Meeting Preparing for a reduction in force is never an easy thing, for the organization or the employees. Although, at times it is a necessary action to take to suffice business needs. Planning and preparation are key to executing a smooth transition when it comes to reducing your labor force. When the economy took a turn for the worst, our company that manufactures airplane parts had no other choice than to layoff part of its workforce. As the office manager, I was in chargeRead MoreI Would Say That The Sales Manager Which Is The Immediate1321 Words   |  6 PagesI would say that the sales manager which is the immediate supervisor, Paul should conduct the termination meeting seeing how he was more privy to what was going on with the employee, Jeanette and the issues at hand and the reasonings behind the termination. Additionally, the supervisor is most familiar with the employee s personality and how reluctant they will be to the unfortunate news. However, they should include the Human Resource manager or delegate of HR in the process as well. AdditionallyRead MoreThe Reasons Of Non Compliance1185 Words   |  5 PagesIV. The reasons of non-compliance Due to the fact, the board dismissed Steven Sewell from CEO because his characteristics are not suitable with the characteristics of new board. This reason is very subjective and unreasonable. This paper would not examine the unreasonable reason from the board of FDC as above, but will observe the fact that the removal of a director by the board is not the first time happened. There are some previous cases which are similar to the FDC case in which directors wereRead MoreSteps and Processes for Employee Dismissal1863 Words   |  8 Pagesand Processes for Employee Dismissal Diana Graves Strayer University Professor Kenneth R. Lewis, B.S., M.A., Ed.D. HRM520: Strategic Human Resource Management November 15, 15 Abstract This paper presents methods in which management can best coordinate and head a dismissal meeting during employee layoffs. These methods will touch on how management can best cope with the negative emotions associated with employee layoffs, how to conduct a proper dismissal meeting step by step, how compensationRead MoreEmployers Rights and Responsibilities. Essay1151 Words   |  5 PagesERR 1.1 U.K. Law covers the following aspects of employment: Minimum wage, Hours worked, Discrimination, Health and safety, Holiday entitlements, Redundancy and dismissal, Training, Disciplinary procedures, Union rights and consultation, among many others. Labour law covers the deal between employee and employer. Health and safety laws cover working conditions, and minimum wage and other laws set basic compensation levels. The Equality Act protects those of different gender, raceRead MoreBusiness Alternative Task : Part 2 Essay1494 Words   |  6 Pagesphone on Saturday the 13th of February 2016. Can you discuss an issue in the workplace (in the last 3 years) that was taken to the CCMA? -Yes in January, an employee was highly intoxicated on duty and therefore its misconduct which is applicable for dismissal. Is this a common problem in your sector of the industry? -On most Monday mornings, several employees come to work with hangovers it affects their ability to work and lowers productivity. What was the procedure you went through? (If possible, please

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Morality in America Essay Example For Students

Morality in America Essay The reading by Johnson starts out with a married lady by the name of Katherine Watkins complaining of rape by a black slave. Throughout the remainder of this section, depositions are given by other black slaves and people who claim to have witnessed the occurrence. Most of the accounts indicate that Mrs. Watkins seduced the slave into a sexual act and then blamed it on him in order to stay out of the trouble that her Quaker husbands beliefs would have brought on her. The other section in this book is the sermon by John Winthrop entitled, A Model of Christianity. Two rules by which all men should abide, he says, are to show mercy and do justice. Among many other good deeds, he preaches love among Christians, performing service for the Lord, having unity and conformity in the community, and strict obedience to Gods word lest some punishment befall you. The handout given in class deals with the issue of homosexuality and the punishments for sodomy and buggery. The reading by Marcus was solely concentrated on the Salem Witch Trials. A former minister, George Burroughs, is accused of witchcraft and much of the section deals with people who claimed to have been bewitched by him. There are a couple of letters by Cotton Mather explaining the difficulty of the witchcraft trials and his defense of the conviction of George Burroughs. The rest of this reading is letters of confession by the accused and more letters relating to the trials. The role of Colonial women in society is given an in depth look in the segment by Graebner. In these days, the husband was seen as the supreme head of the family and women were basically domestic. Women were basically known only as the wife of their husbands and often helped them with their business affairs. Eventually, a minimal level of trade arose among women in the village, but nothing big enough to trigger a large outbreak of feminism at that time. A womens role in society can basically be summed up in this quote, The economic roles of married women were based upon two potentially conflicting values gender specialization and identity of interest. A wife was expected to become expert in the management of a household and the care of children, but she was also asked to assist in the economic affairs of her husband, becoming his representative and even his surrogate if circumstances demanded it. Three concepts that were all tied together in Colonial America were sin, legality, and community. Their definitions of sin were taken before a jury for the proper punishment, and thus their sense of community was being broken down by the fact that so many people were being sentenced and punished for the sins that the legal system found them guilty of.